Monday, May 2, 2011

May 2, 2011

Dear.. everyone.
   How are ya? Life here is good. So transfers, ha!  I'm in the Helper area but not really at the same time. We cover the Helper Stake, the Price North Stake and the CEU College Stake. I like covering a college campus, there's plenty of people to talk to. They're about to go home for the summer though so that'll change things. We actually live in Price though and that's where most of our work is. There are 4 missionaries living in our house :) That's pretty fun. There's me and my comp, Elder Hepworth, then Elder Nathan and Elder Matthews. I was Elder Matthews' District leader last transfer so we know each other pretty well. Elder Hepworth is awesome. He's been out almost 15 months and we have a lot of fun together. We teach well together and have similar goals and we like a ton of the same things. We get up at 6 in the mornings and either go run or play raquet ball or the gym or whatever, and its great. He's from Rexburg, Idaho, bless his heart. But it's ok, you'd never know it. The people in Price though are great. I like it already. It's less than 50% members so there's plenty of work. We actually had a Methodist lady slam a door in our face the other day :D It was exciting. I know I was definitely supposed to get transferred here. Everything just feels right. 
     I know this gospel is true. I've never been more sure in my life. I had a lady ask me yesterday if it was possible to think about the gospel logically. Absolutely! I'm convinced that if the gospel doesn't make sense logically, then you don't have all the pieces. This gospel is truly a perfect plan and it makes perfect sense once you have enough pieces of the puzzle. That's one of the things that draws me to it and invites me to keep learning more. Just another witness of its truth. It's right. I love it. Is there anything i can do for y'all?
I love ya,
Elder Spurlin

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